AJ Mannion
Distance Healing
Energy healing is unrestricted by the confines of time or space, and as such can be sent across infinite distances with the same efficacy as an in-person session. AJ has given Distance Healing treatments to clients in different states to great effect. A Distance Healing session operates very simply - all you need is to find a relaxing time and space where you can rest for the length of the session and allow yourself to enjoy and immerse in the experience.
People request Distance Healing sessions often because they are convenient and equally as effective as an in-person session!
AJ will begin a Distance Healing session by making a phone call and energetically connecting with the client at the beginning of the appointment. A short dialogue about how the client is feeling and what they would like to focus on during the session will take place. AJ will then focus on channeling the healing energy - during this time, some clients prefer to fall silent while others enjoy communicating their experience. Depending on the situation, AJ will either just focus on channeling, offer intuitive feedback, or may use energetic healing tools to assist in releasing "blocks" (held patterns of thought/feeling/physiology that impede the easeful functioning of the system) if appropriate. Afterwards, the client and AJ will have a short dialogue about the healing experience, and if applicable AJ will share intuitive insights he received that support the client's healing process.
It is common during a healing session to experience a range of sensations including:
***Deep relaxation
***Heightened awareness of energy
***Release of physical, emotional, mental tension
***...and an infinity more! Every Reiki session is a unique miracle.
Distance Healing sessions are $100/hour and conducted either over the phone or on Zoom.
Holy Fire® and Karuna Reiki® are registered service marks of William Lee Rand.
"VortexHealing®" is a registered service mark of R. Weinman VH Trust. All rights Reserved. ©2000-2021.